The nursing department is one of the most crucial and diverse healthcare sectors. Due to this significance, the necessity for a representative group is required to address the needs of the patients and their caregivers. Two main organizations represent nurses, including the American Nurses Association (ANA), that represents all nursing care professionals and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN), which acts as a voice to infant care practitioners. However, the changing scope of care further requires incorporating the spiritual expertise of the Faith Community Nurse (FCN) and the medical skills of the professional nursing practitioners. Therefore, this discussion will review the ANA and NANN and their significance to the Faith Community Nurse Organization.
The American Nurses Association (ANA)
8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite number 400
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492
301-628-5001 (fax)
1-800-274-4ANA (4262)
The American Nurses Association (ANA) acts as a voice representing all US nurses. The organization exemplifies the interests of about 3.6 million fully registered American nurses. Besides, this organization has various benefits as members receive ANA periodicals, eNewsletters, Nurse Space, website features, and relevant information on Career Center (National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2016). ANA strongly advocates for highly recognized nursing practices, the well-being of all caregivers, promoting safe and ethically organized working environments and representing the issues affecting nurses and patients in the health care settings (National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2016). All the information provided on the ANA is essential for a Faith Community Nurse (FCN).
Apparently, the ANA recognizes the importance of FCN in focusing on the spiritual care of every individual to promote one’s holistic health, which is a critical illness preventative strategy within the faith community nursing. Moreover, understanding the mission statement and advocacy of the ANA is important as it campaigns for expertise, encouragement, or support for practice on a spiritual approach and active participation in leadership roles. In addition, eased access to the ANA’s information platform is crucial since this is where I can attain resourceful information, textbooks, and registration procedures.
National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
Chicago, Illinois State at 8735 W. Higgins Road Office Suite number 300
Chicago, IL 60631
The Association of Neonatal Nurses was established in 2007 to represent the nurse practitioners in the infant department. The uniqueness of this department prompted the emergence of this association as the dedicated professionals mainly work to resolve a variety of newborn problems, which range from infection, operational issues, congenital disabilities, prematurity, and cardiac malformations. Hence, this association endeavors to provide all its members with exclusively designed benefits for APRNs (National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2016). The NANN strongly advocates for self-reflective, unique, and enduring abilities in neonatal nurses to alleviate suffering, protect, enhance, and restore the health of both the affected infants and the associated families (National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2016). Understanding the basics of the NANN is essential to me as a faith community nurse since my line of career critically associates with neonatal nurses.
It is worth noting that FCN and NNPs work together to reach the under-served populations to ensure that the global village provides all the required services. Moreover, neonatal nurses require the support, encouragement, and spiritual nurturing from FCN as their nature of work is very sensitive and could affect their emotional and psychological well-being.
As it is palpable from the discussion above, it is evident that the NANN and ANA are crucial representatives of the nursing fraternity. In fact, the associations advocate for quality care, safety, and well-being of both the nurses and their patients. Moreover, both organizations benefit their members, while their easily accessible addresses, locations, and the website provide resourceful information to any interested individual. On the other hand, understanding the basics of each organization is essential for a faith community nurse since it is easy for the caregivers in this department to collaborate and offer spiritual expertise and support to the entire nursing fraternity if need be.
American Nurses Association. (2016). FAQ. Retrieved from
National Association of Neonatal Nurses. (2016). We are the Voice for Neonatal Nurses. Retrieved from