A research design is an overall strategy to integrate the different study components to address the research problem. A research design constitutes the format that will direct the collection of data, measurements, and, finally, the analysis of data collected. While the research design contributes actively to a research report, the research design provides the ability to evaluate your research evidence properly to avoid invalidity.
Qualitative research is a design in research projects used to obtain an understanding of underlying opinions and reasons. The design is a type of social action that explains how individuals interpret their experiences to understand other individuals’ social reality. Qualitative research is an imperative aspect of research in healthcare systems. The following are characteristics of qualitative research: it studies the phenomena of individuals and groups, it tries to gain a deeper understanding of individuals’ experiences and opinions, and the collection and analysis of data happen simultaneously as the research continues (Mohajan, 2018). Qualitative research methods have become a standard way in which researchers develop knowledge pertinent to nursing practices.
Qualitative research findings lead to clinical empathy and also help in the assessment of specific patient status. One-on-one interviews are among the most common qualitative research methods carried out with one respondent at a time to gather information on what individuals believe (Mohajan, 2018). Focus groups are a commonly known qualitative method that includes a limited number of respondents to find answers to why and how questions. The case study research method is used to explain an organization or ethnicity with a thorough understanding of the target audience. Qualitative research advantages are: it uses open-ended questions that enables the target audience to respond in their own words, it allows the researcher to probe the initial participants’ responses. However, qualitative research has a disadvantage that the findings cannot be generalized to the target population. Qualitative research methods increase in health care practice and help clinical nurse specialists inform the potential utility of the research findings.
One of the top five World Health Organization priorities is improving patient handover, which is considered a patient safety goal. The purpose of the study is to explore the perspectives of patient handover amongst emergency department staff and paramedics. A qualitative design with inductive content analysis was used to collect and analyze data from the target audience. It is appropriate for the research to meet its purposes as effective handover is critical in achieving the optimum patient management in the hospitals.
The research project was approved by the ethics committee and research council. In qualitative research data collection, the participants need to be informed about the study objectives. In this scenario, all the participants were informed about the study objectives and procedures. Additionally, they signed written information consents that would allow the researchers to use their opinions.
The research respondents were selected through purposeful sampling, which is a method used to select information-rich participants. More so, the researchers interviewed paramedics who had at least two years of clinical experience. The criteria for selecting participants was well used in this case since the research topic is a critical topic that needs serious experience.
Data were collected through semi-structured face to face interviews. The data was recorded through audio and later transcribed verbatim (Blaikie, 2018). The method of data collection is appropriate for this research since it is qualitative research.
The method of data analysis was content analysis. After each of the interviews, the content was documented by the researchers. Furthermore, the data were read was read several to gain an understanding of the selected participants. This method of data analysis is appropriate for this research because of the mature target audience.
The following criteria can be used to judge the rigor of the qualitative analysis: Coding and categories sent back to the respondents, team-based approach, prolonged engagement with the respondents, and peer checking. The procedures used to improve the data trustworthiness were as follows: coding and categories sent to the respondents for revisions. A team-based approach to analyze data was initiated to examine the credibility of the data. Prolonged engagement, varied experiences, and peer checking were established to improve trust.
The research project’s findings were: the first subcategory emerging from the respondents was different environments, which is a perspective regarding patient handover. Almost all respondents lack a pleasant environment for transferring patient’s information to other patients. The second finding was a different intrinsic power. Additionally, most participants owned that recruiting appropriate human resources was essential. The limitation encountered in the research was that it was had to generalize the findings to other clinical settings. Significantly, the research was conducted to help health practitioners to understand the importance of patient handover. The findings are essential for the improvement of patient handover. The research is imperative since it plays a vital role in maintaining continuity of care, patient safety, and mistake detection in the health care system.
Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data. The main characteristics of quantitative data are: data collected through structured instruments, the results based on a broad target audience, and the research projected can be repeated given its high dependability (Raychaudhuri, 2019). In health research, quantitative research can be used to examine trends in health and hospitals use that will help in planning and monitoring.
Observational research design is the observation of subjects without intervening, while interventional research design is the observation of subjects while intervening. The experimental design is the study of objects repeatedly, while quasi-experiment the subjects differ in terms of an experimental treatment (Solvik & Struksnes, 2018). Descriptive statistics use the data collected to provide descriptions of the target audience in numerical calculations and graphs. In contrast, inferential statistics predict the target audience based on a sample of data collected from the target audience. Therefore, Quantitative research design is used to quantify the research problem by generating numerical data into useful statistics.
The purpose of the study is to understand the learning sessions related to the bed bath procedure. The study uses a descriptive research design due to the larger population of respondents (Solvik & Struksnes, 2018). Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data (Mcclintock, 2018). Randomization is the method of allocating subjects in a clinical trial while blinding are studies where the supervisors are unaware of the treatment they are receiving. One hundred sixty first-year students were randomly divided during the clinical trials, and most of them did not perceive the clinical trials as the same as they are taught in school.
The ethical issues related to the study was the consent to use some of the subject’s opinions in the research which was well utilized. The target audience of 160 students was randomly divided into two classes, with the first calls being the control group and the second group being the project group (Solvik & Struksnes, 2018). The sample size was determined through Class 1 ( N=79) and class 2 (N=81). He data was collected through questioners that were given to the students to fill. Validity is the extent where a concept is measured in a quantitative design, while reliability is the consistency of a measure. The validity and reliability of the instruments were addressed in this research to enhance the study’s research (Mcclintock, 2018). The questionnaires were coded with numbers that represented all the students individually (Solvik & Struksnes, 2018). Tables were set up to differentiate the statements, and correlation tests were done to assess the relationship between the two groups’ statements.
The project group was less satisfied with the organization of training and did not find the training useful. There was a correlation between the groups, and most of them believed the practical class for bed bath initiated a need for knowledge (Solvik & Struksnes, 2018). There was no limitation in the study in the research. The study can be applied today to help nursing students understand the procedure of a bed bath. The training is useful to nursing students. Statistical significance is the likelihood where the difference in conversion rates between a variation and baseline is not due to random chance. The test for statistical significance used in this study is the chi-square test, where it identifies the relationship between the type of training program attended and the job placement success.
In conclusion, before a researcher conducts their project, they should be able to identify the type of research design they use in their project. It is very imperative for research also to master their target audience before conduction research. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative research designs tend to support the research project.
Blaikie, N. (2018). Confounding issues related to determining sample size in qualitative research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 635-641. doi:10.1080/13645579.2018.1454644
Mohajan, H. K. (2018). Qualitative Research Methodology In Social Sciences And Related Subjects. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 7(1), 23. doi:10.26458/jedep.v7i1.571
Mcclintock, C. (2018). Research Design and Quantitative Analysis. Oxford Scholarship Online. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190879754.003.0002
Raychaudhuri, A. (2019). Quantitative methods for qualitative variables in social science. Research Methodology for Social Sciences, 253-268. doi:10.4324/9780367810344-13
Solvik, E., & Struksnes, S. (2018). Training Nursing Skills: A Quantitative Study of Nursing Students’ Experiences before and after Clinical Practice. Nursing Research and Practice, 2018.