Hello, I need a personal statement for anesthesiology residency program(USA). Few years ago I applied to CRNA school and I still have that personal statement available so I will attach it for you to use. Also if you could add somewhere that I am certified scuba diver and that I can control my breathing etc for anesthesia purpose. I have two degrees : first MD (2004) and second RN BSN( RN acquired after MD in 2008) .If you could write a personal statement that will capture reader’s attention. Personal statement that will get me an invitation for an interview. Thank you so much! Also can you please write only 900 words.
Application for Anesthesiology Resident
As an experienced scuba diver, I am fascinated by the body’s ability to undergo various reactions to remain stable, even under pressure. The scuba diving experience is the same I attach to my nursing career and medical background, through my years of experience in both fields. The medical field is full of pressure, the kind that leaves one satisfied after a successful encounter with various issues with a patient. As a result, my interest in anesthesiology is driven by the passion for helping the body overcome, even in the most challenging situations that it faces during medical distress. As a discipline that borders medicine and nursing, I believe it is an occupation that defines the anesthetist and the patient and pushes the limits of the capability of each in the most challenging situations. Therefore, I am eager to begin my residency training in anesthesiology, as it is a specialty aligned with my career goals, personality, and abilities.
In one of the routine rounds, I encountered a patient who was set surgery. However, he was not responding appropriately amid depressed blood pressure, poor perfusion, while his heartbeat was no longer detectable. At that moment, I noticed the panic in both surgeons and other practitioners, as they had no way of helping the patient. However, the anesthesiologist on the scene was calm and collected and assisted the team with specific intervention procedures. The anesthesiologist was able to utilize various treatment algorithms and later stabilized the patient, to the relief of the entire team in the operating unit. The experience was exhilarating and scared me as I feared for the patient and his family. Since I have always loved to take care of patients, make them comfortable, and help them overcome such difficult situations, the anesthetist’s ability to assist in such setups inspired me to be one.
While my nursing and medical background prompts my desire to be an anesthesiologist, I believe my personality also craves to succeed in areas in which pressure to perform is high. Notably, my experience with the patient offered me with an avenue to understand the meaning of critical care. Specifically, the anesthesiologist was specific with every intervention and in no way was apprehensive or indicated any signs of pressure on the situation. I was in admiration, and the experience reminded me of my time in critical care, in which I was the lifeline to my patients. However, in this event, the basics of the essential concept of care (the ABCs) were flawlessly exuded from the anesthetist’s intervention and procedure, even under immense pressure. The ease, confidence, and the result of the process inspired me to learn more and master other hands-on procedures that would help me go a little further when assisting patients in critical care.
In my anesthesiology residency, I want to experience more of the comforting moments for patients, even when the odds are against the sick. I believe the knowledge that I have acquired in the course, in addition to my nursing background, will help me become a better anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology is often a complicated procedure whose application determines the survival of the vital organs and the ability of the patient to regain consciousness after being under anesthesia. In the same way, the anesthesiologist is a crucial determinant of a patient’s ability to respond to treatment through various procedures and processes. Subsequently, I believe my anesthesiology residency will complement and supplement both my nursing and medical backgrounds. Mainly, I believe the program will enable me to use my broad medical and nursing knowledge base, technical skills, and experience to adapt to the fast-paced environment and provide prompt feedback during procedures. As a result, the residency program will help me become a better practitioner and a better person.
Over time, I have realized that most patients are afraid of the “sleep” more than they fear the surgeon’s knife. Consequently, trust, inspiration, and nurture are essential tools for practitioners, especially anesthesiologists. The values help anesthetists develop relationships with patients, in which faith, hope, and kindness are communicated and understood to help patients during the period they will be under anesthesia. This way, patients offer appreciative feedbacks and become confident in doctors, procedures, and facilities at large. The knowledge and experiences of such moments demonstrate my suitability for the program at [insert facility name], in which I will bring compassion and be part of people who co-create healing environments for patients. Notably, I understand the diverse aspects of an anesthetist resident’s duties, and I hope to incorporate all the required standards in the position’s roles and responsibilities. As a result, I believe that the hospital is the place that offers me space and the opportunity to practice anesthesiology using the best practices.
Anesthesiology integrates various aspects of biochemistry, pharmacology, and disease pathophysiology to produce the best interventions. Consequently, theoretical knowledge is not enough to propel one’s career in the field; thus, there is a need for extensive learning through various means, including practical sessions. Hence, my ideal setting for training is where the program is both independent and supported by multiple stakeholders. I believe autonomy is crucial in anesthesiology, as it will provide me with confidence in my ability to offer the necessary care to my patients, especially during critical moments. On the other hand, the support will allow me to practice by providing various resources, such as mentors. As a result, it will be easy for me to approach the practice as an art as opposed to being a scripted scientific procedure. I plan to integrate my knowledge in diverse medical backgrounds to ensure that my patients respond well to procedures while being able to create a healing environment, in addition to being a comforter even to their family members.