Rubella | Nursing homework help
Rubeola, more commonly referred to as measles, has an incubation period of 10–12 days and its prodromal features include a high fever which often surpasses 40°C (104°F) accompanied by coughs, runny nose, conjunctivitis and small white spots inside the mouth. The rash associated with this condition is red in color and typically appears three or four days after other symptoms have begun.
Roseola’s incubation time is around 4–15 days with onset of mild fever followed by a characteristic raised rash which begins at the neckline then spreads downward over the trunk, arms and legs within one day. Lastly varicella (chickenpox) has an incubation period ranging from 10–21 days before seeing any clinical manifestations such as a red itchy rash that starts out looking like bumps eventually turning into blisters all over the body lasting approximately 7–10 days in total.