For example, a doctor may diagnose someone with asthma after evaluating their symptoms and determine what specific type it is before proceeding further. In this instance they can then provide information about its long term outlook – i.e.,prognosis – as well as any treatments available for helping manage it accordingly. Lastly, depending upon how severe the condition is physicians may recommend lifestyle changes in addition to prescription drugs or other medications tailored towards overcoming these issues eventually.
Overall, understanding the differences between diagnosis, prognosis and treatment helps healthcare professionals make more informed decisions when providing care to those who are ill thus allowing them to provide better outcomes overall moving forward.
Describe the scientific rigor associated with quantitative and qualitative research and the importance of reliability, validity in quantitative research, and trustworthiness in qualitative research. on reliability, validity and trustworthiness. What are the differences among these concepts?
The scientific rigor associated with quantitative and qualitative research differs in terms of the approach each takes when collecting data. Quantitative studies are generally considered to be more rigorous due to their reliance on measurable variables which can be statistically analyzed over time. Additionally, reliability, validity and other measurements of accuracy such as inter-rater agreement must also be taken into considerations when carrying out these types of investigations.
Conversely, qualitative research approaches utilize more subjective methods for gathering information such as interviews or focus groups thus allowing researchers greater flexibility in terms of exploring concepts from different angles. In this instance trustworthiness is an important factor since it relies heavily upon establishing a trusting relationship between those involved in order to gain an accurate understanding of any given situation accordingly.
Overall, the differences between quantitative and qualitative studies demonstrate how both can offer unique insights that allow healthcare professionals to make informed decisions based on evidence moving forward regardless of the method used. Furthermore, understanding what each type entails helps optimize outcomes by providing greater depth and detail overall while also accounting for potential differences throughout every step eventually leading towards better results long term.