Development of evidence-based practice change proposal i
A weakness of this article is that while it does discuss some potential challenges with providing care in a home setting (e.g., privacy issues or limited resources), there are no concrete strategies given on how these obstacles might be overcome. Furthermore, there are also no direct recommendations provided regarding potential interventions which could be employed in order to ensure quality care overall.
The second article is titled “Improving Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Quality Outcomes” and looks at various ways healthcare professionals can work together more effectively to improve patient outcomes. A strength of this piece is that it outlines numerous strategies which have been proven to be successful from other organizations – detailing benefits such as increased efficiency or better decision making processes due to collective knowledge sharing amongst providers alike.
A weakness however, lies in its lack of detail when explaining certain concepts – leaving out details about implementation plans or specific practices which could lead to improved collaboration between team members accordingly. Additionally, there are also no studies cited or statistics provided as further proof that interprofessional teamwork really does result in positive patient outcomes over time.
Overall, while both articles offer valuable insight into different areas related to nursing practice – they do not provide sufficient evidence on their own for enacting large scale changes without additional information being sought out first before taking any further action accordingly.