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Urge incontinence involves an overactive bladder resulting from decreased bladder capacity and sensation caused by urinary tract infections, neurological disorders or medication side effects among other causes. This type of incontinence is usually treated with medications such as anticholinergics in order to relax the detrusor muscle in order reduce urge symptoms as well as biofeedback therapy which teaches individuals how to control their own urge responses through awareness and relaxation techniques.
Overflow incontinence occurs when people are unable to completely empty their bladders due structural obstructions within their urinary tracts causing them not only experience frequent episodes of wetting but also experience varying degrees of pain while doing so. Treatment options for this condition include catheterization or surgical interventions if necessary in order remove any blockages present.
Mixed incontinence combines both types of Stress and Urge Incontinences making it more complex than either one alone; however overall treatment plans will focus on similar principles including lifestyle changes, medications, physical therapies and even surgery depending upon individual case scenarios. Additionally psychological support may also be beneficial given the social stigma associated with these conditions which could lead individuals feeling embarrassed about discussing their problems openly with healthcare providers thus delaying diagnosis and proper management strategies significantly impacting health outcomes negatively in some cases.