Assignment: practicum – journal entry
When the family arrived they were already in distress due to the child’s condition, indicating that this wasn’t their first run-in with URI’s. After discussing the history of present illness, I proceeded to perform a physical exam on the child which revealed swollen tonsils and signs of inflammation consistent with bacterial pharyngitis. As we examined her further, we could also hear rales in both lungs indicating pneumonia; however we couldn’t get an accurate assessment without proper diagnostic tools such as chest x-ray or sputum cultures.
Given what I knew about URI management from my classroom studies combined with my assessment findings, I felt confident that if treated properly antibiotics could most likely clear up her infection within days allowing for quicker recovery times than traditional methods of care like steam inhalation or rest alone would provide.
At this point came my “aha” moment when realized how different textbook scenarios were compared to actual clinical settings where there are often numerous variables beyond our control like insufficient supplies or limited staff capabilities that can complicate outcomes even further. In light of these sudden realizations, being able to quickly adjust treatment plans is key so as reduce potential harm and maximize positive health outcomes regardless of situation encountered by healthcare professionals. All in all working alongside this young patients family allowed me gain invaluable insight into caring for children while helping them find relief from discomfort caused by illnesses like URI’s , something no amount reading papers or lectures can truly prepare anyone for.