Healthcare administrative office procedures module 3 course project
1. Belief that natural remedies are more effective than modern medicine
2. Belief in supernatural forces impacting health
3. Avoidance of certain foods or beverages for religious reasons
4. Preference to have multiple family members present during medical visits
5. Reluctance to speak openly about mental illness or other sensitive topics
6. Belief in the power of prayer and divine intervention
7. Preference to discuss healthcare decisions with a spiritual advisor first
8. Avoidance of certain treatments due to cultural taboos
9 Refusal of treatments that go against one’s personal beliefs
10 Resistance to taking medications or participating in therapies that are not considered “natural”
11 Perception of health care providers as all-knowing authority figures
12 Emphasis on traditional healing practices such as herbs, massage and acupuncture 13 Reluctance to accept new technologies 14 Resistance due to fear of side effects from medication 15 Strong belief in the power of positive thinking