Nursing leadership | Nursing homework help
In Situation 1, the most appropriate conflict resolution strategy would be smoothing. Smoothing involves downplaying differences and emphasizing common interests to reduce emotional intensity and create a cooperative atmosphere. This strategy is appropriate because the surgeon has a reputation for a quick temper, and yelling at her may only escalate the situation further. Additionally, the patient is the wife of a local physician, and it is important to maintain a professional and respectful environment.
To use the smoothing strategy, the nurse could apologize for the mistake and explain that she was not aware of the surgeon’s preference. The nurse could then emphasize that their common goal is to provide the best possible care for the patient, and ask how they can work together to ensure that happens. By focusing on their shared interest in the patient’s well-being, the nurse can potentially diffuse the tension and redirect the surgeon’s focus back to the task at hand.
Other conflict resolution strategies, such as competing or avoiding, would not be appropriate in this situation. Competing would only escalate the situation and create a more hostile environment, while avoiding the conflict may lead to further tension and potentially compromise patient care. Accommodating may be appropriate in some situations, but in this case, it may not be the most effective strategy as the patient’s health is at stake. Compromising and collaborating may also be appropriate in certain situations, but in this case, smoothing is the most appropriate strategy given the circumstances.