Comment sarah | Nursing homework help
Obesity is a serious health concern that can lead to several life-threatening diseases. I agree with the author’s suggestion of bariatric surgery as a viable option for Mr. C since his BMI is 47.8 and he is at substantial risk for heart disease due to hypertension, sleep apnea, and other lab values. It is also crucial to plan a medication schedule for Mr. C to treat his peptic ulcer disease in order to maintain adherence to the prescribed regimen. The medication schedule provided by the author seems appropriate and should be followed strictly. Moreover, the author has identified several potential problems in Mr. C’s functional health pattern and suggested educating him on managing his health better, making better food choices, increasing his activity, and supporting him in changing his lifestyle. It is essential to address these problems to improve Mr. C’s health and well-being. Overall, the author has provided valuable insights into Mr. C’s health and potential solutions to his health issues, which should be considered to improve his quality of life.