Nr 324 ati funds assessment proctor
The RN should assess the client’s condition and determine whether the task of providing tracheostomy care can be safely delegated to the LPN.
According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), delegation is the transfer of responsibility for the performance of a task from one individual to another while retaining accountability for the outcome.
In this situation, the RN should consider the following factors before delegating tracheostomy care to an LPN:
- Scope of Practice: The RN should assess the LPN’s scope of practice and ensure that tracheostomy care falls within the LPN’s legal and regulatory scope of practice.
- Competency: The RN should assess the LPN’s competency in providing tracheostomy care. The LPN should have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and experience to perform the task safely and effectively.
- Client Condition: The RN should assess the client’s condition and determine whether tracheostomy care can be safely delegated. For example, if the client is unstable or requires frequent assessment and monitoring, the RN may choose to provide the care themselves.
- Communication: The RN should ensure that there is clear and effective communication between themselves and the LPN, including a clear understanding of the task to be delegated and any relevant client information.
In summary, it may be appropriate for the RN to delegate tracheostomy care to an LPN, provided that the LPN’s scope of practice includes this task, they are competent to perform it, the client’s condition is stable, and there is clear communication between the RN and LPN.