As an advanced practice nurse, there are several strategies that can be used to review and critique literature pertinent to my practice. Some of these strategies include:
- Identifying relevant databases: It is essential to identify the most relevant databases for my practice area. For example, PubMed is useful for research in the health sciences, while CINAHL focuses on nursing and allied health literature.
- Selecting appropriate keywords: Identifying relevant keywords related to the topic of interest is crucial. Using synonyms and related terms can expand the search and capture a wide range of literature.
- Applying inclusion and exclusion criteria: Once the literature search is complete, it is essential to review and exclude irrelevant studies using pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. This helps to ensure that only high-quality studies are included in the review.
- Critiquing the literature: It is crucial to critically appraise the studies included in the review using appropriate tools. This involves evaluating the study design, methodology, results, and conclusions. This process helps to ensure that the studies are valid, reliable, and relevant to my practice.
- Synthesizing the findings: After critically appraising the studies, it is essential to synthesize the findings and draw conclusions based on the available evidence. This helps to inform clinical decision-making and practice.
In summary, these strategies can help me review and critique literature relevant to my practice, enabling me to provide evidence-based care to my patients.