Health organization evaluation | Nursing homework help
Organizational culture can have a significant impact on aspects of the strategic plan. Potential issues with organizational culture that could negatively affect the strategic plan include:
1. Poor communication and/or lack of transparency – when leaders are not open and honest about their plans, objectives, and expectations, this can create an environment where employees are uncertain or unengaged in the process. Additionally, unclear communication can lead to confusion or misinterpretation which can slow down progress or sabotage efforts completely.
2. Lack of trust between leadership and staff – when employees don’t feel trusted by leadership it is difficult for them to buy into the vision of the organization and put in extra effort towards achieving goals. This results in low morale which will eventually trickle down to all other areas of the business.
3. Inability to adapt to change– organizations that are rigidly set in their ways often struggle to implement new strategies or modernize processes. This makes it harder for them to stay competitive as well as take advantage of market trends.
. A “blame game” mentality– when there is an increased focus on placing blame instead of taking responsibility for mistakes, it discourages collaboration and innovation within an organization since employees become more risk averse out of fear of retribution.