Week 11 health care | Nursing homework help
Political actions nurses can take to strengthen their role in policymaking for improving LGBTQ health include: 1) advocating for policies that protect individuals’ rights, such as those preventing discrimination in healthcare settings and providing equal access to care; 2) speaking out against legislation or policies that limit or deny healthcare services to specific populations, such as trans-related healthcare; 3) engaging in professional organizations and activities that promote evidence-based advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ community.
This discussion most relates to Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values as outlined by AACN’s MSN Essentials. This includes demonstrating a commitment to social justice principles related to diversity, including gender identity, sexual orientation, culture/ethnicity, religion/spirituality, language differences and disabilities. As nurses strive to improve the health outcomes of all people regardless of background or identity it is imperative they engage politically in order to effect change regarding appropriate resources access. Through lobbying government agencies at both state and federal levels regarding these topics nurse can better ensure equitable treatment for all patients no matter their race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.