Computer charting system | Nursing homework help
What strategies would you use to ensure that staff are using the new system correctly? (training, monitoring)
When implementing a new computer charting system within a hospital, it is important to have an interdisciplinary team in place that can provide support and guidance throughout the entire process. This should include nurses from all levels of experience, IT specialists, administrators and physicians who understand the clinical objectives of this change as well as any potential resistance from staff. These individuals will be instrumental in helping to create an implementation plan that addresses both financial and logistical considerations.
When communicating this change to staff, it is essential to consider their age range and comfort level with technology. To effectively communicate the change, it may be helpful to hold in-service sessions or department meetings where staff can ask questions or voice concerns about the transition. These sessions should also provide detailed training on how to properly utilize the new system so everyone understands what is expected of them when they begin using it. Additionally, shift meetings should be used not only for roll out but ongoing education opportunities surrounding the use of the system.
Finally, there must be a strong commitment from leadership regarding enforcement of proper usage of this new system. Strategies such as creating incentives for proper usage through recognition awards or providing additional educational opportunities for those struggling with mastering its functions can help ensure compliance among users. Additionally, tracking data related to user performance (such as time saved or improved accuracy) can help motivate others by demonstrating successful utilization of this new tool over paper charting methods.