assgn2- | Nursing homework help
1) To gain an increased understanding of evidence-based practice and its application in healthcare settings.
2) To develop and refine knowledge and skills related to leadership, management, and research.
3) To become familiar with healthcare regulations and policies that impact nursing practice.
My objectives to achieve these goals are as follows:
1) Participate in weekly seminars on topics such as health law, patient safety, or risk management.
2) Research evidence-based guidelines related to nursing interventions or patient care.
3) Engage in a mentorship program with an experienced nurse leader.
My timeline of practicum activities is as follows:
Week 1: Complete seminar on healthcare regulations & policies; attend group meeting with mentor.
Week 2: Research EBP guidelines; begin drafting report outlining findings.
Week 3: Meet with mentor to discuss project progress & provide feedback; revise report based on feedback.
Week 4: Present findings at group meeting; submit final report & evaluation form.