Benchmark assignment – spiritual needs assessment and reflection
Overall, I was pleased with the progress of completing the assessment tool. I was able to identify potential risks and key areas for improvement, along with suggesting ways that certain tasks could be completed more efficiently in the future. One challenge I encountered was having access to all relevant information needed to make an informed decision about how best to address each risk identified. Although I had some background knowledge on each task, upon further research it became evident that some additional research and input from other members of the organization would be beneficial for providing a comprehensive view of available options for mitigating these risks.
To better address this challenge in the future, I plan on spending more time consulting with stakeholders from across departments and gathering additional resources before beginning the assessment tool. Additionally, if possible, I will create a framework document which outlines important considerations such as potential risks and areas of improvement prior to beginning any assessments so that everyone involved is aware of what needs to be taken into account when developing solutions or strategies.