Culture in nursing dq 10 student reply liesly lopez
Additionally, when discussing culture it is important to take into account various external influences such as geography (i.e mountain ranges or deserts), politics (i.e democracies versus dictatorships), economics (i.e trade agreements or global markets) and religion (i.e sects or denominations). All these factors will influence how individuals view themselves and interact with others —providing insight into what makes each culture unique from its peers while simultaneously demonstrating how interconnected everyone truly is despite our differences on the surface.
In conclusion, understanding culture on both an individual level and collective level is essential for those trying to gain greater insight into why we do things the way we do—whether it’s due to tradition or simply because that’s just how it has always been done.. By having this knowledge at our disposal we can then start making more informed decisions about what works best for us instead of blindly following outdated rules without ever questioning their validity in today’s world