The ethical dilemma | Business & Finance homework help
I would also consider seeking advice from trusted individuals such as mentors or family members who have experienced similar situations, as they may have insights that could be beneficial in helping me make a more informed decision. Additionally, it’s important to weigh out any risks associated with each option in order to properly assess the consequences of choosing one or the other.
When advising a friend on how to handle their own dilemma, I would encourage them to go through a similar process of reflection as outlined above. It is essential for them to take into consideration their individual values when weighing out options so they can feel confident in whatever choice they make. Additionally, where possible, research should be conducted on whatever topic is at hand—this could include talking with multiple sources or consulting reliable literature—in order to gain an understanding of potential impacts related to their decision as well as any alternatives available. Ultimately it is important for them to trust themselves and focus not just on what seems easier but rather on what outcome will serve them best in the long run.