Eth316 ethics and social responsibility week 3 dq
The relationship between legal and ethical issues in this scenario is that both are closely intertwined. As such, it requires the company to consider both aspects when making decisions. The legal aspect involves ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations while the ethical side of things means taking into consideration any potential moral implications associated with any particular action or decision. This intertwining of legal and ethical issues is especially relevant for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions where cultural differences can create different interpretations of what constitutes right or wrong behavior.
For example, if a company wants to enter into a foreign market they need to ensure they understand local customs as well as any laws governing business operations in that particular country so that they can avoid running afoul of either one which could lead them into potentially costly legal or public relations headaches down the line. Thus, it is important for organizations to remember that there will always be a relationship between legal and ethical considerations whenever decisions are being made which means both must be taken into account equally when looking at any given situation.