Assignment 2: reflection 2 interpersonal effectiveness is a broad
When I was able to be mindful, I noticed that I had a greater sense of presence and awareness in the moment. This allowed me to be more aware of my physical sensations such as an increased focus on my breathing or body temperature. Additionally, it also made me more conscious of my thoughts and feelings which allowed me to gain insight into any underlying emotions that might have been influencing my behavior.
I found myself feeling calmer, more grounded, and less reactive than usual during these moments of mindfulness which enabled me to better control how I responded to certain situations instead of being driven solely by impulse. It also provided a sense of clarity and connection with the world around me which helped foster a greater appreciation for myself as well as those around me. Overall then, engaging in mindfulness activities can help build emotional resilience while providing valuable perspectives on challenging circumstances which can ultimately lead to overall improved wellbeing.