Cultural/spiritual practice-powerpoint | Nursing homework help
To begin, you may want to start by using databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, or Scopus. You can search for keywords related to your topics, such as “Hispanics/Mexicans health beliefs,” “Hispanics/Mexicans healthcare practices,” “childbearing practices Hispanics/Mexicans,” etc. You can also limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, specific publication dates, or language.
Additionally, you may want to search for credible professional nursing and healthcare organizations related to Hispanics/Mexicans health, such as the National Association of Hispanic Nurses or the Mexican American Nurses Association. These organizations often publish reports, white papers, and other resources that may be relevant to your topics.
Once you have found relevant sources, you can create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the key points in the assignment prompt. Make sure to properly cite all sources using APA 6th edition citation format and to include a reference slide with selected key citations cited in the presentation.