If I were a student completing this assignment, I would follow these steps:
- Read the case study and choose one of the committee roles to fulfill for the PowerPoint presentation.
- Review the PowerPoint template provided in the course materials and customize it to fit the selected role on the committee.
- Identify one or more issues related to the chosen role on the committee. For example, if the chosen role is Taylor Terrific, RN, a nurse practitioner, one issue could be the resistance of some physicians to use the CPOE system, which is causing friction with the nursing staff.
- Identify probable causes of the issue(s) identified. For example, a probable cause of the physicians’ resistance to using the CPOE system could be their lack of familiarity with the technology or a lack of training on how to use the system effectively.
- Propose recommendations to resolve the identified issues. For example, if the issue is physician resistance, a recommendation could be to provide additional training and support for the physicians to ensure they are comfortable and competent in using the CPOE system. The recommendations should be supported by strong rationale and research, such as academic articles, books, or other reliable sources.
- Create a reference slide listing all academic references used to support the content of the presentation, using APA style.
- Ensure the content of the slides is well-supported by research from the text or the LRC.
- Review and edit the presentation for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors.
- Submit the PowerPoint presentation following the instructions provided in the course materials.
Note: It is important to adhere to the assignment requirements and rubric to ensure the best possible grade.