Peer reply pharmacy DB6
Peer: Sharon
Great job in your post! You provided a thorough analysis of the patient case and made appropriate medication recommendations based on current guidelines. You also provided rationale for your recommendations, which is important for a pharmacist to do when communicating with other healthcare providers.
I agree with your choice of lisinopril for hypertension management. As you mentioned, ACE inhibitors have been shown to be effective in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with hypertension and heart failure. Additionally, in this particular patient case, the presence of proteinuria indicates that the patient may have underlying renal disease. ACE inhibitors have been shown to be renoprotective in patients with proteinuria, making lisinopril a good choice for this patient (National Kidney Foundation, 2021).
You also correctly identified that this patient has a history of smoking and should therefore be advised to quit. Smoking cessation is a crucial component of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving overall health outcomes in patients with hypertension (Jindal & Gupta, 2019). Additionally, smoking cessation can help slow the progression of renal disease in patients with proteinuria (Jha et al., 2019).
Overall, your post demonstrated your knowledge of hypertension management and your ability to apply that knowledge to a patient case. Great job!
Jha, V., Wang, A. Y. M., Wang, H., & Huang, C. (2019). Chronic kidney disease. The Lancet, 393(10184), 172-184. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32288-X
Jindal, S., & Gupta, R. (2019). Smoking Cessation in Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reports, 21(2). doi: 10.1007/s11906-019-0924-4
National Kidney Foundation. (2021). KDIGO 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved from