Cultural group nursing | Nursing homework help
Title Slide: Health and Healthcare Practices among the African American Community Prepared by [Your Name], [Academic Credentials]
Reference Slide:
- Ogunwole, S. M., Adu, M. D., & Aderemi, T. J. (2019). Health care disparities and barriers to health care access among African Americans. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 6(3), 453-462.
- Johnson, J. E., & Jackson, R. D. (2019). African American women and childbearing: the role of spirituality in coping with racism-related stress. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 28(3), 185-198.
- Crawford, N. D., & Allison, M. A. (2020). Religious participation, spirituality, and health among African American women: a systematic review. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 7(3), 495-509.
Slide 1: Introduction to African American Culture African American culture is rich and diverse, with its unique customs and traditions. In this presentation, we will discuss health and healthcare practices among the African American community.
Slide 2: Hereditary, Genetic, and Endemic Diseases and High-Risk Health Behaviors African Americans are at higher risk for several hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases, such as sickle cell disease, hypertension, and diabetes. High-risk health behaviors such as smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity also contribute to the higher prevalence of chronic diseases. Interdisciplinary interventions such as education, counseling, and community-based interventions are crucial in managing these health risks.
Slide 3: Value Systems on Childbearing and Bereavement Practices Spirituality plays an essential role in African American culture, influencing childbearing and bereavement practices. Pregnancy and childbirth are considered sacred events, and spirituality is used to cope with stress related to racism and discrimination. Funerals are viewed as a celebration of life, and grief is expressed through religious practices and rituals.
Slide 4: Sources of Strength, Spirituality, and Magico-Religious Beliefs African Americans draw strength and resilience from their spirituality and faith. Magico-religious beliefs such as rootwork and conjure are also prevalent in the community and are used to promote health and healing. Understanding these beliefs and incorporating them into healthcare practices can improve health outcomes.
Slide 5: Healthcare Practices African Americans have different healthcare practices and beliefs than other populations. There is a preference for acute care over preventive care, and distrust of the healthcare system due to historical injustices. Barriers to healthcare access, such as lack of insurance and transportation, also contribute to health disparities. Traditional folk medicine practices, such as the use of herbal remedies, are also common.
Slide 6: Cultural Issues Related to Learning Styles, Autonomy, and Preparation of Educational Content Cultural competence is essential in healthcare education and delivery. African Americans have a distinct learning style, and healthcare providers should be aware of this when preparing educational content. Autonomy is valued in the community, and healthcare providers should respect patients’ decisions regarding their care. Cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity are critical in providing quality healthcare to African Americans.
In conclusion, understanding the unique cultural aspects of the African American community is essential in providing equitable and quality healthcare. Interdisciplinary interventions, incorporating spiritual and magico-religious beliefs, and respecting cultural diversity are essential components of providing culturally competent care.