Compare advanced nurses | Nursing homework help
When comparing two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines there are indeed differences between them. For instance, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) such as nurse practitioners are bound by codes that emphasize the autonomy they possess while ensuring they serve patients in a culturally sensitive and responsible manner. On the other hand, clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) must adhere to strict standards which focus on providing evidence-based patient care and utilizing collaborative teamwork when making decisions related to medical treatments.
Moreover APRNs have an obligation to keep up with changes in regulations or technologies that affect their practice; something which is not necessarily required of CNSs since many of their activities involve consulting or providing education rather than direct patient care. Likewise CNSs are subject to different regulations regarding delegation of duties as they can delegate authority but not responsibility whereas APRNs must assume complete accountability for any delegated tasks.
Overall both professions have complex sets of regulations and guidelines governing them however the emphasis placed on various aspects differs depending the role being fulfilled. Therefore it is important for nurses practicing within each field to understand what rules apply so that ethical considerations remain at forefront when it comes to delivering quality healthcare services.