Chapter 17: pregnancy, breastfeeding and the first year of life
Pregnant women should make a number of lifestyle changes in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome. Firstly, they should avoid consuming any kind of drugs or alcohol as these can have adverse effects on the developing fetus and increase the risk of birth defects. Secondly, they should maintain a healthy diet by making sure to consume plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains while avoiding foods that are high in fat or sugar. Additionally, pregnant women should exercise regularly (under the guidance of their doctor) since this can help reduce stress levels and promote overall wellbeing for both mother and child.
Finally, it is important for pregnant women to get regular check-ups with their healthcare provider so that any potential issues can be detected early on and treated accordingly. By following these recommendations pregnant women can greatly reduce their chances of experiencing health complications during or after childbirth which could lead to improved outcomes for both mother and baby.