Health: a community view historical factors: community health
From a public health nursing perspective, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition emphasizes the importance of all aspects of an individual’s wellbeing – both physical and psychological.
There are three levels of prevention with respect to public health: primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention focuses on preventing illness before it occurs through activities such as education programs and vaccinations. An example would be providing nutrition classes in schools to teach children how to make healthy eating choices. Secondary prevention involves early detection or diagnosis of a particular condition before symptoms become too severe. Screening tests such as mammograms can be used for this purpose. Tertiary prevention attempts to reduce complications from existing conditions through treatments such as diet modifications or lifestyle changes; an example would be prescribing medication for hypertension in order to prevent further cardiovascular damage.