Data collection | Nursing homework help
The procedures used to obtain a measurement vary depending on the type of measurement being taken. Generally though, manufacturer instructions and other guidelines should be followed closely in order to ensure accuracy when taking any kind of measurement. First, any necessary equipment or tools must be prepared and calibrated if needed; this often requires referring to the user manual for specific instructions before proceeding. Once ready, measurements can then be taken by following the procedure outlined in the manual which often includes specific steps such as zeroing out instruments (if applicable), setting up test conditions/parameters, determining appropriate ranges etc. After collecting all relevant data points, these numbers should then be recorded accurately in order to minimize error; finally, a summary report outlining all pertinent information regarding the measurement should also be generated for future reference.
In addition to following manufacturer instructions closely it is important that other applicable standards such as occupational health and safety regulations are adhered to at all times during data collection processes. This helps ensure that safe working environments are maintained while also protecting both personnel from potential harm and collected data from bias or contamination.