Unv 103 week 4 entry collaboration and communication
One time I collaborated in a group that was particularly successful was during my undergraduate studies. We had been assigned to work together on a research project involving neuropsychology and computing science. The assigned task was to study the development of neural networks, specifically focusing on how they could be utilized for decision-making.
The project took us several months to complete and it would have been much longer without proper collaboration between members of our team. In order to make sure this happened, we divided up tasks amongst ourselves that made sure everyone’s expertise were being properly utilized. This meant each member knew exactly what they needed to do and when they had achieved their target goals with the group as a whole in mind. As we all focused on our individual tasks, our progress sped up towards completion faster than any one person could achieve alone. Additionally, by splitting the workload evenly among us, no one felt overly burdened or exhausted with the task at hand which encouraged further efficient progress until we finished it within our deadline date.
Overall, good collaboration between members in our group greatly reduced the amount of time required for completing this task compared to what any individual member could have done alone; thus demonstrating just how beneficial teamwork can be when everybody works together!