Evedence based practice | Nursing homework help
In order to address the problem, a number of formal structures were used. First and foremost, evidence was collected in order to investigate the issue. This included gathering data from surveys and interviews with members of the community, reviewing existing legislation or policies related to the issue at hand, conducting research on similar challenges that had been addressed by other organizations or communities in the past, and consulting experts in relevant fields for their input. Additionally, various stakeholders such as government officials, local law enforcement agencies, nonprofit organizations, and community leaders were brought together to discuss possible solutions. Through these conversations it was possible to identify potential courses of action that could be taken collectively to address the problem. To ensure that any proposed interventions would be effective in addressing the challenge at hand, evidence-based research was conducted regarding various strategies that have proven successful in similar situations around the world. This allowed us to identify specific methods we could use when tackling this particular problem within our own community.