Family health assesment | Nursing homework help
Obesity and its many complications can lead to further health issues such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer; all of which can be life-threatening conditions if left untreated. In addition, obesity has been linked with depression and other mental health issues due to the negative self-image it often creates for individuals who struggle with their weight.
Likewise, lack of exercise can have dire consequences on one’s overall wellbeing as it affects both body composition (muscle mass vs fat) as well as cardiovascular fitness levels. Not getting enough physical activity on a regular basis increases risk for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes; weakens bones; causes fatigue; contributes to poor sleep quality; weakens immune system function; decreases metabolism rate leading to increased fat storage; increases stress levels; exacerbates anxiety disorders & depression symptoms; impacts cognitive performance & memory retention capabilities among other effects on one’s general wellbeing.
In conclusion, while lifestyle choices vary greatly within my family – it became clear during the assessment process that being overweight combined with lack of physical exercise are two major wellness problems facing our unit today that need immediate attention before they result in serious medical repercussions down the line.