Discussion 1 pract iii online
Second, increased access to resources such as conferences or continuing education courses would help increase knowledge about the role. These events would provide an opportunity for healthcare providers to learn about new advancements in care delivery methods as well as glean insights from peers who have already successfully implemented these approaches in their practice settings. They could also allow for open dialogue between those involved in different aspects of healthcare delivery including nursing, medicine, social workers, etc., which could lead to better collaboration among all stakeholders involved in patient care.
Thirdly, stronger relationships need to be built between organizations such as professional associations that represent nurses and organizations representing physicians so that they can work together to promote understanding of the unique contributions each profession brings to patient care outcomes while also ensuring effective communication occurs at every level within healthcare systems across jurisdictions nationally or even globally when applicable. In addition, more data needs to be collected regarding successful implementation strategies used by individual states or countries so best practices can then be shared with others looking for ways to optimize their own nursing workforce models effectively while providing quality patient-centered care safely & cost efficiently in all settings where services are provided.