Define terms that describe the morphology, shape, and pattern of skin lesions.
There are several terms that describe the morphology, shape, and pattern of skin lesions. Here are some of the most common ones:
- Macule: A flat, colored lesion that is less than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Patch: A flat, colored lesion that is greater than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Papule: A raised, solid lesion that is less than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Plaque: A raised, solid lesion that is greater than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Vesicle: A small, fluid-filled blister that is less than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Bulla: A large, fluid-filled blister that is greater than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Pustule: A raised lesion that contains pus.
- Nodule: A solid, raised lesion that is greater than 1 centimeter in diameter.
- Wheal: A raised, itchy lesion that is often caused by an allergic reaction.
- Scale: A dry, flaky patch of skin that may be white or gray.
- Crust: A scab or dried exudate on the skin.
- Erosion: A shallow, open sore on the skin.
- Ulcer: A deeper open sore on the skin.
- Fissure: A crack or groove in the skin.
- Linear: A lesion that follows a straight line.
- Annular: A lesion that is ring-shaped.
- Serpiginous: A lesion that has a wavy or serpentine shape.
- Reticular: A lesion that has a net-like or lace-like pattern.
- Targetoid: A lesion that has a central dark spot surrounded by a lighter ring and an outer dark ring.
- Morbilliform: A rash that resembles measles.