Health assessment | NURS 6512 – Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning | Walden University
Additionally, it is important to understand the role of family and community in M. R.’s life, as they can also play a significant role in his health beliefs and practices. The following questions can be used to gather information about the family and community aspect:
Do you have a support system in your family or community? Do your family members have similar beliefs and practices regarding health and wellness? How does your community support your health and wellness needs? What role does spirituality play in your health beliefs and practices?
By obtaining a deeper understanding of M. R.’s cultural beliefs, family and community support, and practices, the provider can work to create a care plan that is respectful and incorporates his values and beliefs. This will help build trust and ensure the patient is more likely to be engaged in their care.
It is important to note that the provider must approach this conversation with respect and cultural humility, being aware that their own cultural beliefs and practices may differ from the patient’s. The provider should be open-minded and non-judgmental, allowing the patient to freely share their beliefs and practices without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.