3-1 final project milestone one: introduction
The mission of the healthcare organization is to provide quality care with compassion and respect to all our patients. We will strive to be a center for excellence in medical treatment, research, and education while also providing compassionate service to our community.
Our vision is to be a leader in providing quality healthcare services that are accessible, efficient, effective, safe, and equitable for all members of our diverse local community. Our strategic goals include creating an environment of innovation and collaboration among health care professionals; improving patient outcomes through evidence-based practices; increasing access to affordable healthcare solutions; promoting better overall public health through prevention initiatives; modernizing technology infrastructure within our organization; reducing cost overhead while maximizing efficiency; and maintaining financial responsibility.
These goals are intended to support the core values of our organization: respect for human dignity and rights, integrity in leadership and decision making processes, mutual trust between staff members & patients as well as between external partners & vendors we work with. We strive for continuous improvement & growth by staying consistent with these values each day.