Intro to international business: report writing
The Coca-Cola Company is one of the world’s most recognizable and successful brands. By utilizing a SWOT analysis to assess the external and internal environment, we can gain a better understanding of where the company stands in relation to its competitors.
Strengths: The Coca-Cola Company enjoys strong brand recognition worldwide and has established itself as an industry leader in marketing and advertising. They also have an impressive portfolio of products including beverages, snack foods, juices, teas and sport drinks. Furthermore, their extensive global distribution network allows them to reach more customers than ever before.
Weaknesses: Despite being well-known for its beverages, The Coca-Cola Company does not have much diversification outside this market which makes it susceptible to changes in consumer preference or economic downturns. In addition, the company’s high number of product offerings may become too much for some consumers who are looking for simple choices instead of having to choose from numerous options. Lastly, they lack a presence on social media platforms which could be utilized as an effective promotional tool by their competitors.
Opportunities: As mentioned above, The Coca-Cola Company has room to expand into other industries such as food production or apparel merchandise; thus allowing them to tap into new customer segments while also diversifying their revenue streams away from just beverage sales. Additionally, they could use social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to engage with customers on a more personal level than traditional marketing strategies allow them too at present time.
Threats: One major threat that faces the company is increasing competition from rival companies offering similar drinks at cheaper prices; this could cause consumers to switch over if price becomes an issue for them when considering what drink between competing brands they should buy (i..e Pepsi vs Coke). Additionally there is government regulation regarding nutrition labels on packaging which manufactures must adhere too – failure too do so quickly results in financial penalties enforced by law upon companies like The Coca-Cola Company who don’t comply with these regulations promptly enough.