Week 10 – chapter 39
This medication helps your body to feel better by fighting off germs and making sure they don’t stay inside you. It works like a team of superheroes! Every time there’s an enemy (germ) that comes in, the medicine helps your body fight it off and make sure it doesn’t stay around in your system.
Think about when you’re playing tag with friends: if someone tags you, you can run away so that they can’t catch you again. That’s how the medicine works—it helps your body recognize these germs and then runs away from them. This way, the germs can’t come back and bother you anymore!
The medication is like a shield for your body—if anything bad tries to get in or stay inside, the medication will help push it out so that it won’t hurt us. You could also think of it as a bouncer at one of those parties; if anyone isn’t supposed to be there, they’ll be stopped at the door and have to leave before they cause any trouble.
So basically what this medication does is protect your body from getting sick–like wearing sunscreen when going outside on sunny days or putting on bug repellent before going into a forest full of mosquitos. Your medicine is here to make sure nothing bad happens while we’re trying our best to stay healthy.