Physical activity resource brochure | Nursing homework help
A physical activity resource brochure/infographic is a great way to make sure everyone in your community has access to the information and resources they need to stay active. This informational document should include details about physical activities suitable for all ages, plus contact information for local sports clubs or teams that offer organized activities. The infographic should also provide links to reliable online resources, such as general exercise tips and advice from medical professionals. It should cover the benefits of physical activity, including both short-term and long-term health gains, as well as the positive impact it can have on mental health. Additionally, this brochure should discuss strategies for staying active in inclement weather or during times when regular leisure centers might be closed due to Covid-19 precautions. Finally, this infographic should contain safety reminders about exercising outdoors in extreme temperatures or near busy highways. With comprehensive yet concise information such as this available in an easily digestible format like a brochure/infographic, communities will be better equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to remain healthy and fit