Proposal for change | Nursing homework help
One of the key components for this program would be that participation is voluntary but open to any employee regardless of their position or level in the organization. It should also be organized into rotations so team members do not have to continuously switch roles but still get an overall picture of what is happening throughout different departments and teams in the company.
The goals of this program are two-fold; firstly, it would help foster an atmosphere that values collaboration and innovation by creating direct links between various levels within the company – something which can often be lacking when different departments operate independently from each other. Secondly, it allows employees to gain a better understanding of how their role fits into that larger picture which will ultimately lead to better decision making and improved performance across all areas.
At its core, this process improvement/cultural change seeks to create a sense of shared responsibility among staff members at all levels while providing them with valuable experiences that will help shape their development within the company going forward.