687 wk5 db1 res | Business & Finance homework help
QBR (Quarterly Business Review), on the other hand is an opportunity for companies to review their performance with the relevant stakeholders on a regular basis. It’s a great way to ensure everyone involved has visibility into current results and trends while also providing insight into strategies that should be explored or implemented in order to maintain or improve desired performance levels. Additionally QBRs can help identify areas where resources may need to be reallocated in order to meet objectives as well as provide benchmarks by which future performance can be measured against. During these reviews managers usually discuss sales goals for the quarter/year; progress made toward meeting those goals; any new initiatives being considered or tested; customer feedback about products/services; competitive analysis; changes in technology/trends within the market that may affect the business; data analysis regarding ROI from various channels; budget information etc.
Overall AOR’s are agreements between companies and agencies outlining what services are expected from each party whereas QBRs are meetings held regularly where all stakeholders come together so they can review current performance while strategizing tactics going forward in order develop more successful business outcomes.