Contemporary issues facing teenagers | Nursing homework help
The opioid epidemic is a contemporary issue that has been surging in the US for decades. Opioid addiction, abuse and overdose have become more prevalent in recent years due to increased accessibility of drugs like heroin, fentanyl and prescription opioids. The opioid epidemic affects individuals across all ages, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds, resulting in significant strain on public health resources.
External stressors can be defined as factors outside of an individual’s control that increase their risk for engaging in drug use or relapse. In terms of the opioid crisis, external environmental stressors include economic instability/poverty, discrimination based on race or gender identity, homelessness, lack of access to healthcare services or treatment programs, certain family dynamics (such as parental incarceration or generational trauma), peer pressure/influence and social marginalization. Additionally, there are several physiological influences such as chemical imbalances associated with mental illness that can lead an individual to misuse prescription painkillers or other types of opiates.
These external stressors combined with limited resources available to address addiction further shape the severity of this national crisis. To effectively combat this problem society must prioritize comprehensive prevention strategies and expand access to evidence-based treatments such as medication assisted therapy – helping individuals reclaim autonomy over their lives by providing them with necessary support systems and safe environments free from stigma and judgment.