Soap 1 | Nursing homework help
The patient provided a detailed personal and medical history. She is a 45-year old female who has been married for 20 years with two children. She lives in a rural area and works as an office manager. Her hobbies include walking, gardening, reading, and spending time with her family.
Her medical history includes hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic pain due to arthritis in her right knee, and asthma. She takes medication daily for each of these conditions except the chronic pain which she manages through regular exercise and ibuprofen when needed. She also mentioned that she has had several abdominal surgeries over the years including a cholecystectomy, appendectomy, hysterectomy, umbilical hernia repair; all without complications or long term consequences. In addition to these surgeries she previously had bronchitis twice within the last year but recovered without needing any antibiotics or additional treatments beyond rest and fluids.
She also reported having depression since high school but says it does not interfere with daily activities and states that it is managed well by talking to friends about it or distracting herself by engaging in hobbies such as reading or gardening. Lastly she reported no significant changes in diet recently nor any known drug allergies so far as she knows of at this time.