Discussion: using emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry to
As a nurse leader-manager, I could apply emotional intelligence to address this issue by promoting an environment of open communication and empathy. This should include allowing for constructive feedback from both the nursing staff and patients without criticism or judgement. Through understanding the emotions of all involved, I would be able to anticipate potential issues and develop strategies to address them before they arise. Additionally, I could encourage collaboration between nurses and physicians in order to better understand patient needs more effectively address their concerns.
Appreciative inquiry can also be used as a tool by engaging staff members in discussing their successes with patient care, rather than focusing on areas that need improvement. By setting up formal forums or roundtable discussions, where nurses can come together openly discuss any problems they have encountered while providing care or share best practices that have proven successful in creating positive outcomes. These conversations will enable me as the leader-manager to gain insights into how my team is feeling about its work and what measures need to be taken to improve quality of care. Additionally, these discussions can provide meaningful data points which will help inform decisions around quality initiatives such as improved policies or technologies that support improved patient care delivery.