Week 1 post | Research Methods II
1. Top Management: The top management team at Greenest Acres is responsible for setting the overall strategy and direction of the business, as well as making decisions regarding budgeting, financial planning, and personnel management. Additionally, they are accountable for ensuring that all research activities conducted by the organization are appropriate and beneficial to its mission and objectives.
2. Research Management: The research management team at Greenest Acres is responsible for creating a strategic plan for conducting research projects in order to meet organizational goals. They also manage the execution of these projects, including overseeing budgets, data collection methods, and analysis techniques used to generate insights from results.
3. Researchers: Working under the guidance of the research management team, researchers are responsible for carrying out project tasks such as data collection, analysis, reporting results back to stakeholders or decision-makers within Greenest Acres, developing recommendations based on findings from their work.