Hu 245 unit 9 assignment | ETHICS
Utilitarianism is an ethical system based on the principle of maximizing utility or pleasure for the greatest number of people. Under this framework, it could be argued that using palm oil is ethical because it provides useful products to consumers at a much lower cost than other alternatives. Additionally, its use has been associated with creating jobs and boosting local economies in producing countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Therefore, from a utilitarian perspective, using palm oil could be seen as beneficial to society overall since its use results in increased economic gains while providing low-cost goods to consumers.
However, others argue that using palm oil is unethical due to its negative environmental impacts. Palm oil production has caused deforestation in some areas, resulting in loss of habitat for wildlife and contributing to climate change through carbon dioxide emissions. Furthermore, human rights abuses have been reported in some cases linked to the production and labor practices involved in harvesting palm oil. From this perspective, using palm oil would not maximize utility for society due to its environmental destruction; thus making it unethical according to utilitarianism principles.
Therefore, depending on which side one takes on this issue – whether supporting or opposing – one’s argument may vary depending on their view regarding what constitutes utility or moral value within society: economic prosperity or environmental sustainability (or both).