Family health | Nursing homework help
2. Income: Low-income families often cannot afford the same quality of health care and nutrition that higher-income households may have access to. This can make them more vulnerable to poor health outcomes due to inadequate preventive care or chronic disease management.
3. Employment Status: Having stable employment provides individuals with financial stability, which is necessary for accessing essential health needs such as food, housing, routine medical care and prescription medications. Unstable employment or job loss can lead to decreased access to quality healthcare and increase stress levels in adults, affecting their mental and physical wellbeing.
4. Social Support Networks: Family members who are connected through social networks such as faith communities or neighborhood associations typically experience better emotional support than those without these connections and this can positively impact physical health outcomes in both adults and children alike.
5. Access To Health Care Services: Lack of access to quality healthcare services may prevent individuals from receiving the necessary treatment they need for maintaining good health or managing pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or asthma, thus leading to poorer long-term outcomes down the line if not addressed in time..