Bus / 644 the space age furniture company assignment 2015
Production processing is the process of taking raw materials and transforming them into finished products. There are two types of production processing: continuous production and batch production.
Continuous Production: Continuous production is a type of manufacturing process in which items are produced with no interruption or pauses. The most common example of this process is assembly line manufacturing, where one person performs a task on a single product until it is complete before moving on to the next item. This method is best for high-volume, low-cost items that require little customization.
Batch Production: Batch production involves producing multiple units at once, then stopping the process to move onto another task in order to create different products from the same raw material inputs. It works best when dealing with smaller runs that may require more complex processes or higher levels of customization than found in continuous methods such as automated assembly lines. With batch production there can be greater flexibility while still maintaining efficiency as batches can be adjusted based on customer needs without having to completely restart the entire line each time an adjustment has to be made. This makes it ideal for businesses producing large amounts of complex parts or custom products where individual items need their own unique processing steps throughout the whole process instead of using standardized procedures like those seen in continuous lines where tasks tend to remain consistent across all units being produced simultaneously.