Legistlation | BSN in Nursing
The Public Health Service Act of 1944, which was enacted through the Social Security Act, is a piece of legislation that helped to improve and protect public health throughout the United States. It established a new branch of the Federal Government known as the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), tasked with providing medical research and services related to preventing and treating illness or injury.
Additionally, it provided funding for state governments, universities and hospitals to develop laboratories, hire experts in public health-related fields such as epidemiology and immunology, education programs on hygiene practices and treatments for common illnesses like tuberculosis etc.,– ultimately resulting in improvements in sanitation, vaccinations against communicable diseases like polio or smallpox which had devastating effects on communities across America during this time period.
In order to continue advocating for public health efforts such as those outlined above – additional steps need to be taken at both federal/state levels: increasing resources dedicated towards healthcare services , working collaboratively with providers across specialties in developing evidence based guidelines for diagnosing/treating different conditions; continuing the focus on preventive measures by providing access population-level policy interventions on everything from lifestyle habits (nutrition & exercise) substance abuse – laying out clear goals that would help achieve better outcomes over longer periods of time while holding practitioners/organizations accountable.
Furthermore investing more into medical research initiatives so we can stay ahead when it comes managing various diseases more effectively while also creating safe work environments allowing employees proper protection from airborne pathogens – exemplifying an ongoing commitment towards protecting people’s overall wellbeing.